You see those photos above? Those were me on a good day during my 3.5 year illness. No, they are not photoshopped and not edited. I was living in a state of extreme depression, panic, despair, doom & gloom every single day for 3.5 years.
It is an absolute miracle that I did not take my life...
That photo on the left was after spending $300k on my health, drinking ayahuasca thirty times, fasting for months out of the year, and religiously practicing yoga and meditation...
Now, I am completely depression-free, feeling incredible in my body on a regular basis, more peaceful than most people I know, financially successful, and living my passion every day. I have a beautiful wife, career, and travel all around the world. All I do every day all day is coach high performers on healing & detoxification.
The most important thing I learned in my nearly four year illness is that we are being absolutely inundated with chemicals and toxins on a daily basis.
In the past 100 years alone, over 100,000 new chemicals have been introduced into the environment and our natural detox mechanisms have not had the chance to evolve.
Throughout the past years few years working intensely on my health, and working with thousands of people around the world, I have observed that proper detoxification of the body leads to radical improvements in physical and mental well being.
Sometimes I feel like I am reverse aging from my detoxification methods, I keep getting healthier and happier the older I get. It is almost like I have Benjamin Button Syndrome.